Wednesday, April 9, 2008

Atlanta Protest Organizers Part 2 ATHLANON88

The number "88" is slang for Heil Hitler

He calls Tory Magoo "Prophet Magoo"

He's a small fish in terms of influence but most people consider him to be "abnormally intelligent for an Anon" and extremely personable. He is also rumored to be "paying shills to liven up the protests" but that has yet to be confirmed.

Operation Reconnect April 12th PLANNING FORUM:

This letter details his contact with the Sunday Paper in Atlanta:

"You probaby should: is who I sent the
information to, but this was before we found an explosion of
incriminating details against DkPD. I'm PMing you with some additional

(looking at hs subscriptions, you'll notice that the Critics are very prevalent)


Unknown said...

Ohh you're such a cute little namefagger, yes you are *pinches cheek*

Just remember, these protests are your 4th dynamic bypassing your 3rd dynamic. RTC is squirreling the tech. Miscavige and the whole f'ing lot stink to hell of corruption, and we're washing the stench.

Nothing wrong with freedom of RELIGION. The Freezoners are PRAISED. We just want to see the cult die a quick and painful death, and those perpetuating its injustices be brought to trial.

Why are you paying your way up the bridge? Why is the tech so expensive? Whatever happened to the Super Power building; wasn't that supposed to be completed in Feb 08? What about the business losing its tax exempt status in Texas?

Miscavige and the lot FLUNK KSW. They're bringing it to the ground and if you don't get out you'll be going with the sinking ship.

But if you do decide to get out, you'll find nothing but love on the other side. If you do decide to open your eyes, we're here for you.

THEY said...

What are your crimes?

Unknown said...

lawl @ Stephen.
take the time to read what is going on, dont just resort to your scripts given to you by the higher-ups in scientology. It makes you look like quite the foold

Tom Newton said...

88 is slang for "Heil Hitler"? Since when? Last I checked, it was azn slang for "Bye Bye" since 88 is pronounced "ba ba"

You fucking tool... I would say "All you base are belong to us" but I don't think we really want them...

Anonymous said...

Get out of Asia, we live in America.

In America, 88 is a typical neo-nazi tattoo, because H is the 8th letter of the alphabet and 88 then means HH or Heil Hitler.

Just because anons are a bunch of 5 year old wannabe asians doesn't mean they should go around being ignorant of the fucked up aspects of american culture.