Friday, April 4, 2008


First off I am going to state for the record:

I am not a Scientologist. I don't like religion, but since spirituality doesn't come naturally to most people, it is a necessary evil.

What people today need is more religion, not less. The last thing we need is a bunch of godless sodomites fucking up the whole scene for the rest of us. Anonymous is a pestilence; a nuisance; it is something which should not be allowed to carry on it's present course because mobs tend to disturb the peace.

Freedom of speech must be balanced against our collective well-being. Just because Anonymous members are generally leftarded ingrates, doesn't mean they should be allowed to turn our country into their sewer.

That's my motive, Anonymous. I hope that you can look towards a brighter future where we work together to create world peace. Most of you don't even like your neighbors so why is it suprising that you don't like another religion?

Your opinions are so superficial that it makes more sense to think positive and tolerate divergent thought.

I am also encouraging my readers to voice their opinions, anonymous or not. If you feel like defecting, why not tell people why? Confused bystanders too! Tell us what you think of this ridiculous farce.

If you don't want to run around with a mask on hugging strangers because they believe in flying saucers, now would be a good time to quit.

That guy with the hat is Anonyhive from a previous posting. Great dancer btw OVER 18 ONLY PLEASE


Anonymous said...

If you like, I can direct you to some objective legal arguments concerning scientology.

Some of the things that get most of the attention are overblown, but legal stuff isn't.

If you're serious, which i dont think you are, then you should pay attention to what objective authorities have to say on the subject. I'm sure you don't care though.

ausador said...

So you apparently believe that Scientology is a valid religion? Everyone should just shut up and ignore thier human rights abuses?

Thier never ending quest to obtain every cent available from thier followers? Thier policy of breaking up families by "disconnection"? Thier campaign to malign and to misinform people about any form of psych treatment?

Thier repeated illegal campaigns to defame and intimidate anyone willing to speak against them?

Scientology is an evil money making bait and switch pyramid scheme dreamed up by a pathological liar. He spent his entire life lieing to everyone he knew, ask anyone who ever knew him.

He wrote fanciful science fiction stories for years but being paid a few cents per word wasn't enough I guess. He dreamed up Dianetics...then turned that into Scientology. He only turned Scientology into a "religion" because of the IRS.

Scientology is a harmful cult that decieves people upon thier entry. They are told it is a science, that they will learn to communicate better, be more successful in business, have better family/interpersonal relationships.

THEN: after three or four years and anywhere from $30,000 to 150,000 invested, after most of thier friends are fellow cult members, after they have lived, eaten, and breathed scientologies "Tech" talk and rubbish philosophy to the exclusion of everything else as enforced on them by frequent "auditing".

THEN: they are told the "space opera" story (LRH's words not mine) which any normal person would have a short fit of giggles about if presented to them as a fact and then distance themselves from the teller.

Unfortunately by the time they hear this ridiculous story the cult is thier life.They are watched and audited with E-meters (lie detectors) constantly. Everyone is encouraged to inform upon everyone else. Doubt becomes a sin and is punishable by internment in forced labor camps sometimes for years.

Scientology is vicious and evil, it is a made up money making scheme that unfortunately outlived it's original fraudulent and pathological creator. Those who now run this pyramid scheme/cult are even more brutal and cynical than it's founder and have made it even more of a threat both to it's adherants and to those outside the cult.

I fail to see how you can defend this, just because they have used lawsuits and outright blackmail to get tax free status does not make it right nor legitimate.

Scientology does not even really deserve the title as a cult. It isn't really I guess since there are no sincere religious beliefs amongst the leadership nor is David Miscavige worshipped as a jesus figure.

However it does not deserve to be called a religion either. Someone needs to make the bluntly honest point that according to LRH all religions are a made up artifact of Xenu's. Scientology does not believe in religion the same way they do not believe in Psychcology.